🧠 I’ve been thinking about how stuck in our heads we are. Yet life’s big moments are felt, not thought about. Often until much later. As a therapist, it may surprise you to know that I spend a lot of my time encouraging clients to get out of their heads and drop into their bodies. Why? Because the body holds a lot more information and wisdom than our monkey minds. It’s constantly trying to communicate with us. From personal experience, I know that when I listen to the signals my body is sending, I get a much more accurate read.
Recently I agreed to attend a coffee meeting that didn’t feel right. Organising said meeting was a challenge and the interactions in the lead up didn’t feel positive to me. Even though I was the one “doing them the favour”. I had a heavy knot in the pit of my stomach each time they messaged. My fingers struggled to type responses. Everything in me was telling me to cancel. But I didn’t.
Caveat: nothing disastrous happened. But I left feeling used and depleted. In life we can’t avoid doing things we don’t like – I’m definitely not suggesting that – but I am suggesting that we all start paying more attention to what our bodies are telling us. It saves a lot of time and energy. And means we don't betray ourselves in the process.
📢 Ask yourself: What am I feeling in my body right now? Where is there tightness? Ease? Heat? Cool? Movement? Stillness? You might want to close your eyes while doing this. The more often you practise this self-inquiry, the more routine it becomes. And the more connected to your body you are.

💡The revelation: In society, we are so afraid of experiencing discomfort or anxiety that we retreat from our felt sense. But when we form a connection with our bodies - and are no longer cut off from the neck down - we thrive. So start to notice how your body responds to different people and scenarios. Get offered an opportunity? What is your body telling you? Going on a date? How does your body feel? There’ll be more on this from me over the coming weeks…
💛 Product I’m loving:Pack’d Organic Smoothies (£2 per kit), which are plant-based and packed with superfoods. Their recipe kits taste great and are uber convenient. They sit in my freezer and are perfectly portioned, which means I actually make smoothies regularly.
Thanks for being here,